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Category Archives: Experian

Experian Traps Consumers in Its Web

Experian Traps Consumers in Its Web

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

The Hidden Arbitration Clauses in Experian’s Affiliate Services Over the past two years, Experian has been defending lawsuits by asserting that victims of its credit reporting violations must arbitrate their claims. This argument is based on consumers signing up for services affiliated with Experian that include arbitration clauses. These services, often under names like… Read More »

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How Credit Scoring Models Work

How Credit Scoring Models Work

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Breaking down the credit scoring models algorithm Most consumers think they have some idea how scoring models work and believe that they have a certain fixed score at any point in time.  The truth is that there are dozens of different scoring models and the big three (Experian, Trans Union and Equifax) all use… Read More »

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Consumer Disputes are Outsourced by Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion

The dirty little secret Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion don’t want you to know about inaccurate credit reports.

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Consumer Disputes are Outsourced. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion all have similar business practices for reinvestigating consumer credit report disputes. The dirty little secret that they do not want consumers to know is that they no longer handle these disputes themselves.  Not only do they not actually handle or investigate the disputes, they do not… Read More »

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