A Look at the Dangers of Identity Theft

In a world where more and more financial transactions are conducted online, identity theft is an ever-present danger. If you are like most Americans, you may not fully understand how identity theft works—or how it can throw your life off track. However, if someone manages to steal your identity, an identity theft attorney near Ashburn can help you repair your credit and restore order to your everyday life. Continue reading for a look at why identity theft can be so dangerous.
Simple Mistakes
One of the major reasons identity theft is so dangerous is that a consumer’s identity can now be stolen in more and more ways. While the most prevalent form of credit-destroying identity theft was once simply stealing personal financial information out of consumers’ mailboxes, thieves are now adept at gaining access to credit card information through ATM skimming and computer hacking. Your credit report lawyer can help you identify ways that your identity is at risk.
Serious Consequences
Taking over someone’s identity can involve more than just accessing his or her finances. Medical identity theft allows a criminal to access your health insurance and obtain prescriptions in your name—and for ailments, you may or may not have. Unfortunately, competing prescriptions may not be filled by pharmacists, meaning that it may be impossible for you to obtain the medication you need. Therefore, it is essential to contact an identity theft attorney if you suspect that your personal information is being used by another person.
Governmental Hassles
Identity theft can leave exhausted consumers waging too many battles at once. For example, one victim of identity theft discovered that her identity had been stolen by an illegal immigrant, who used her personal identifying information to unlawfully gain employment. The victim and her attorney had to begin fraud claims with both the IRS and the Social Security Administration. Moreover, the thief also obtained a driver’s license—and earned two DUIs. The victim then had to contend with a criminal record and numerous traffic tickets. Your identity theft lawyer can help you contend with these types of issues.